Habits And Routines

Habits And Routines

Your habits and routines define who you are now and sculpt your future. ⁠

Skincare routines can be daunting and overwhelming in a 500 billion (with a b) industry where it feels like new products are coming out every month. It feels like this because it's true. ⁠

Cosmetics are constantly fighting to win the race, not necessarily to create the next best product, but fighting to hold your attention. ⁠

Finding a skincare routine with products that work for you perfectly can be like trying to find the right diet and exercise routine for your dream physical body… It feels impossible when you exclusively listen to branding and marketing. ⁠

However, it feels easy, simple and stress free if you listen to what your skin is trying to tell you. Everything you need to know about yourself is already inside you. It's just about learning to read your body's cues. ⁠

Reacting to how you respond to what you put on it, will guide you to the right products in a more effective manner than any marketing campaign will ever tell you. All you need to do is stop praying for a miracle bottle and ask for help from a skin care professional to help guide you on journey.⁠

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